"Itz A Rhythmistic World!"

"Itz A Rhythmistic World!"
Onli's Cool Globe contribution for the traveling public art exhibition to promote hot ideas for a cooler planet. All artwork on this blog is Copyright 2023 Turtel Onli , and other dates. All Rights Protected & not to be remixed, rebooted or used commercially without a signed agreement with Prof. Onli.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 2021.

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 2021.
Prof. Onli with his impressive mural-sized art as the face of the 2021 blockbuster group exhibition at the MCA, Chicago. ONLI STUDIOS for solo exhibits, residencies & collecting great contemporary Visual Art.

Friday, July 5, 2024


ONLI STUDIOS LLC is the unique supplier of limited edition highly valued Fine Art.

Prof. Turtel Onl has effectively pioneered Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif approach to the Visual Arts that establishes diversity without the orthodox triggers of suffering or oppression that usually lead to mixed results or distracting conflicts.

Ownership is the highest form of appreciation.


Prof. Onli has earned a BFA in Art Education along with a M.A.A.T. in Art Therapy from the prestigious School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Onli is that rare visual artist who has hypothesized, and proven a Visual Arts genre in the ism he calls Rhythmism. Extracted from his innate Black American experience and melded with his universal more mainstream experiences, impact and studies.

Proven in critical circles. Included in important collections. Underperforming with immense growth potential.

The entrepreneur aspect of Onli’s practices has grown in experience and capacity to now offer your institution ownership and access to these distinct bodies of his ongoing Rhythmistic Visual Art.

It is noted that Warhol did not coin the term “Pop Art”, nor did Picasso innovate the genre of “Cubism”.  Yet here is Onli, into a 50 year long practice of Rhythmism in Fine rt, Illustrations, Wearable Art, Public Art, Education, Art Therapy and indie Graphic Novels. Dali was not the ofunder of “Surreralism” and Basquiat did not declare “Street Art” as a vogue. Onli, however, begat “Rhythmism as a Future-Primitif approach to the visual arts.

Wikipedia has a  page dedicated to Onli’s practices and legacy.

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

LINK To the historic retrospective exhibition per Prof. Onli's decades long dedication to expanding the field of Graphic Novels, Comix, Animation and related practices.


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Per 2024 ONLI STUDIOS will focus on selling its precious Rhythmistic Fine Art to well-resourced institutions such as museums and collecting art centers or companies.  This reorganization is the result of last year's certified appraisal of Prof. Onli's proven decades long and well documented Rhythmistic practice and its growth potential.  

The appraisal document will be made available upon serious request.

Decades before the trending of AI & Afrofuturism Onli was exploring the perimeters of his Rhythmistic Future-Primitif approach to the Visual arts in illustration, fashion design, Art Therapy, Art Education and Fine Art.  This is all well documented.

Onli is that rare visual artist who actually launched and named two distinct visual arts genres / movements.  

"Rhythmism" as a Future-Primitif approach to the visual arts.  

The "Black Age of Comics" as an open positive celebration of concepts, creators and content in the world of Games, Cartoons, Comic Books and Graphic Novels that is derived from the Black, African, Urban and Alternative experience.  With the emphasis that one does not have to be Black to get one's Black Age of!

NOTE: Picasso did not launch Cubism. Van Goth did not establish Impressionism. Warhol did not coin the term Pop Art.  Nor did Basquiat create the genre of Street Art.

Onli is that unique.

 Onli is also known for actually working in both the Fine Art world and the Commercial art world.
Unlike the celebrated and often vastly over-rated fine artists who claim to be influenced by comics or comic books and appropriate comic material, yet never work in that field. 

A Wiki search of Turtel Onli will support this fact.

Onli is versatility in real time, over decades. This is the stuff of genius.

Prof. Onli has been creating Rhythmistic watermelon themed visual art to reach into various world cultures since the early 1970s.

Monday, January 1, 2024